place on earth exceeds our ability to offer consistently large catches
of game fish over much of the year. If this is bragging a bit, that's
ok. We don't back down at all. Mississippi has more than 200,000 acres
of lakes and they are some of the best producers of big largemouth bass
and crappie you will find anywhere.
what makes Mississippi so good for fishing? A combination of factors,
beginning with weather. Our relatively mild climate makes for a long growing
season for fish. Even long enough to produce the world record for white
crappie! It yields comfort, too. You certainly won't find people in Maine
during January fishing in the manner of those enjoying our lakes. Nor,
will you find them catching the size and quantity of fish we're used to
Soil? No, rich soil.
In Mississippi, our lakes sit on top of the most fertile soil in the world.
Yes, the entire world. And this soil produces large fish and large numbers
of fish. Considering all of these factors, it's no wonder that it's possible
to get your limit of fish just about any time of the year.
But even with all
this water, rich habitat and a long growing season, fish don't just jump
in the boat, the tales of old fishermen notwithstanding. Some of the South's
hottest lakes are located in Mississippi. Our lakes are managed by professional
biologists on staff with Mississippi Fish and Wildlife Foundation and
The Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks. All of Mississippi's
lakes offer unmatched fishing for largemouth bass, bluegill,catfish and